
South (back) side of GPMTCP/GCP. The Strait is beyond the trees on the other side of the GPMTCP/GCP. The 5 vertical pipes are vents and would have had galvanized caps on them. There are 3 8 inch vent pipes on the left (1 is very short), the two on the right are 12 inch diameter. The arrow is pointing to the approximate location of the remaining section of the left air intake pipe. There was a second one on the right side, but the end of that one is nearly totally buried. Originally they extended out approximately 20 more feet, then had an elbow and went straight up with a vent cap on top of them. That allowed them to be high enough above the ground to be (relativley) safe in a gas attack because gas is heavier than air. The incoming air was proicessed through a large filter inside the building.

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